Can Unallocated Sector Count Cause Read Errors

Wondershare Recoverit Authors

Q: How to set the reallocated sector count warning?

"Hi, guys. I bought a new HDD effectually three years ago. It was working fine till the terminal week. Simply now, I can't access anything when I first my PC. I take been receiving a reallocated sector count warning. Is there any way to fix this issue?"

Did you know that yous can monitor the health status of your difficult drive? This is by using S.M.A.R.T which is in-built in your PC's difficult disk drives (HDDs). Cocky-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology might evidence Caution as its condition information. If this happens and at that place is a consequent increase in the value of Reallocated Sector Count you lot need to do something. You must monitor your hard drive and the information in information technology.


This alarm means the hard drive is failing and if information technology is used like this, it could upshot in a permanent data loss. Below is more than data about the difficult drive reallocated sector count prepare.

  • Role 1: Reasons for Reallocated Sector Count Warning
  • Function 2: How to Fix Reallocated Sector Count Alert?
  • Part three: How to Prevent Reallocated Sector Warning?

Office 1: Reasons for Reallocated Sector Count Warning

Tin can reallocated sectors be trusted to store information safely? The reply is no. These parts of the difficult drive platter that stores 512B of information should not be used similar this. The sectors are reallocated when the hard drive gets errors while writing, reading, or verifying data. The data is then moved to the spare sectors of the disk. This part of the hard drive operation prevents corruption and information loss.

1. The Bad Sectors

A hard bulldoze reallocated sector count or a drive with several bad sectors causes corruption. The event with bad sectors is that information technology damages data that has file information. These disks can no longer be accessed every bit they plow RAW only the good affair is that this tin exist fixed. A data recovery tool can help in retrieving the lost information. The tool must back up the decadent bulldoze recovery.

2. Physical Damage to the Drive

Physical and logical impairment to the drive causes bad sectors even with normal employ. Physical harm creates hard bad sectors while logical harm creates soft ones.

3. Intense Drive Usage for a Longer Elapsing

When you lot buy a new hard drive, information technology should non have reallocated sectors every bit they appear once you start using information technology. Intense usage of the drive for a long catamenia could lead to this alert appearing.

iv. Force shutdown

During usage of the hard drive, it does so at a high speed. In this fourth dimension, the bulldoze needs to read data on the disk and in this example, the head is stock-still in different locations. The drive head backs in identify if the computer is forcedly shutdown. Bad sectors could be as a result of the drive caput rubbing against the disk during the process. With this in listen, properly shutting off the computer should be adhered to.

five. Overheating

Internal hardware harm results from overheating since there is a frequent change of the crystal oscillator clock. Remember that the ideal temperature for hard drives is twenty to 25 degrees Celsius. Consider cooling measures and preclude the hard drive from overheating.

6. Corrupt File

Newly assigned sector numbers and a huge number of defective sectors crusade corruption. Parts of data containing file organization information or file system information can be damaged by bad sectors. Logical errors will happen when the file system is corrupted and there will be bad sectors on your difficult drive.

7. Crumbling Hardware

Each difficult bulldoze has a lifespan and the more information technology is used, the more information technology ages. This will lead to bad sectors somewhen.

8. Mechanical Drive Issues

Mechanical issues on the hard bulldoze also lead to bad sectors. You tin notice these issues if you heard a clicking or a screeching sound on the difficult bulldoze.

Part two: How to Fix Reallocated Sector Count Alert?

How does one perform a difficult drive reallocated sector count set up? Cloning the drive with bad sectors to a new one is the only solution. Whether the bad sectors are soft or hard, there is no other option equally it cannot exist repaired.

Method i. Try CHKDSK Scan for Bad Sectors and Gear up Bulldoze Errors

Although you can run the CHKDSK scan, this is non recommended as the drive could fail permanently. Information technology is too not safe, and it is boring. Data stored in unresponsive sectors of the disk tin be destroyed as the scanning could mark them as bad sectors. Cloning your drive or backing upwardly data should exist your first option.

Now that you take backed up your data or yous have recovered information technology, it is time to run the CHKDSK command. This will repair the drive and fix the errors.

Step i: The first thing that y'all need to do is open "Command Prompt" in administrator manner. Side by side, blazon "CHKDSK /r /f 10:" and replace Ten with the drive volume letter.


Pace 2: Proceed to press the "Enter" and requite the scanning process fourth dimension to finish.

Y'all tin can get to tell whether there are problems on the hard disk drive or not. By performing the 2 steps in a higher place, you will get a report summary of any issues as information technology runs a non-intrusive scan.

Method two. Restore File from Decadent Bulldoze

If you lot demand to restore lost files from a bulldoze turned RAW and is not accessible, you should utilise Recoverit. This is known to be an infrequent data recovery tool. Download Recoverit on your Windows PC and then install it. The beneath steps volition aid y'all recover your data even from a corrupt drive.

Step 1: Download and Open up the Software

At present that you take downloaded the software, the next pace is to open up it.

Footstep 2: Choosing the Drive

In the window that shows up, select the affected hard drive. Once this is done, you demand to start searching for the files on the drive. Proceed to select "Start."


Step 3: The Scanning Process

In this step, Recoverit will browse the affected difficult bulldoze. Give it time before previewing the scanned data. In some scenarios, you may non recover files from the hard drive with bad sectors. A deeper scanning should be performed by clicking on "All-Around Recovery."


Pace 4: Recovering Files

In the program window, you will see files from the division of your hard drive. You lot tin can confirm the number of bad sectors that you tin can reclaim. To practice this, cheque the original file or folder names. The next thing is to cull the files you want to restore. To save them on your PC, click "Recover."


Note: Avoid keeping your recovered data in the hard bulldoze with bad sectors. This volition prevent it from existence overwritten.

With these steps, you volition easily recover files from even the corrupted hard drive.

Part iii: How to Prevent Reallocated Sector Warning?

To prevent hard bulldoze reallocated sector count alert, below are precautionary measures to take.

1. Run CHKDSK Scans

All Windows Server and Microsoft Windows versions have CHKDSK. To notice this utility on your computer, type "chkdsk" on the "Command Prompt." Whenever y'all notice disk errors on your PC, use this utility to fix them.

two. Safely Remove

As you remove an external drive from a reckoner, get-go make sure it is safe to do so. Without doing this, y'all will have to deal with decadent files. To forestall such a disaster, remove or squirt the hard disk drive safely. You will exist minimizing the possibility of bad sectors and disk errors.

three. Keep Backup

Hard drive reallocated sector count causes bulldoze errors, failure, and abuse that leads to data loss. To avoid this problem, it is imperative to back up the hard drive. To go on the files protected, you should store them on local storage and a cloud service.

iv. Use Drive Monitor

As a user, you get to see the overall performance of your disk bulldoze. You can get this by utilise of a drive monitor. You lot can monitor and clarify the disk usage, file arrangement, activity, writing, and reading speeds. Also, you run into all the details of removable media or disk drives continued to your PC which means you tin can run across their operation.

With the drive monitor, you can check hard drive reallocated sector count errors among other SMART errors. Besides, you lot can besides scan the drive to run into whether information technology has bad sectors. There are varieties of drive monitor tools in the market.


A hard bulldoze reallocated sector count fix is non possible, and it cannot be lowered. A hard drive will non store data or employ sectors that take been reallocated. Ownership a new hard drive would be your all-time solution. You will employ it to replace the original one that has several reallocated sectors.

With hard drive reallocated sector count, information technology is easy to lose data. The offset matter is to back up your data when you experience these two problems- a reallocated Sector Count HDD or SSD. On the other hand, Recoverit will help you restore data that may accept been lost due to hard drive problems.


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