Can a Rodan and Fields Consultant Send Back Kit Then Rejoin

You're looking for information about selling Rodan and Fields. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who recently started an R + F consultancy. Maybe you've stumbled through the rabbit hole of the Internet and just ended up here.

Either way, welcome. Here at BOTTLESOUP, we are committed to providing transparent, non-biased breakdowns of direct sales and MLM companies.

Disclaimer: I, owner of BOTTLESOUP, am not – nor have I ever been – a Rodan and Fields consultant. I am simply a blogger who analyzes different direct sales and MLM programs, many of which are of interest to women and/or moms, and presents my fact-based findings and opinions.

All sources are cited as links within the article – and this article should not be taken in place of professional legal or financial advice.

About Selling Rodan and Fields

This article will dig deep into the intricacies of the Rodan + Fields consultant contract. (You can read the contract for yourself here.) We'll examine:

  1. How to make money with Rodan and Fields.
  2. How R + F consultants can promote their business.
  3. The likelihood that you will make money from selling these products.
  4. Policies and other costs you should be aware of if you decide to become a consultant.

How to make money with Rodan and Fields

Maybe you've tried R + F products and truly believe in their goodness. You love their skincare offerings and enhancements like lash boost so much that you feel motivated to share this glory with the world. Maybe.

Most likely you're considering selling Rodan and Fields to make money. Right? So let's find out how you can do that.

First, it's important to note that before you even open the consultant agreement on their website, the R + F Become a Consultant page has the following disclaimer:

Screen shot taken 01/21/2017. Click the photo to go to the R + F page and read for yourself.

Set your expectations now.There is no guarantee that you will generateany income. In fact, the Policies and Procedures are more direct:

There's no guarantee that you will not lose money.

So what, you say? It's true that starting your own business is a risk. It's even true that sometimes it takes money to make money.

Maybe you're comfortable with the uncertainty – but it's important you understand the risks upfront. From there, let's discuss how you make money selling R + F products.

First (provided you are accepted as a consultant) you can sell through your consultant website and/or Pulse Personal Website (PPW). Now, as a consultant, you will receive a free trial of Pulse Pro. After your trial is over, Pulse Pro will cost $24.95 a month.

If you don't want to pay this, you can opt out and be downgraded to the free Pulse site, but you will lose all the data and customer info you collected during the trial. So, if you're serious about selling, you'll probably want to have the Pulse Pro service.

Total cost to consultants: $24.95 x 12 months = $299.40 annually. Here are some interesting facts from the Rodan and Fields Terms and Conditions regarding Pulse:

What are SV credits?

Apparently, you receive SV credits if you pay for Pulse Pro. What does SV stand for? Sales Volume.

And, as stated above, you must have a monthly sales volume of 100 in order to earn a commission. This isn't something I've made up – this is straight from the R + F Compensation Overview. Take a look at the screenshot here:

So, let's say you just want to sell R + F and you want to earn a commission your first month. So there are two ways to do this:

  1. Sell $100 worth of Rodan and Fields products through your free Pulse website. If you make 100 SV (Sales Volume), you will earn $10.
  2. Sell $80 worth of R + F products through your Pulse Pro website and earn 80 SV + 20 SV you get from subscribing to Pulse Pro and earn $10. However, factor the cost of the Pulse Pro website into these earnings ($24.95) and you've actually lost $14.95. So, you paid R + F to sell their products – they've made money off the sales and off of your subscription to Pulse Pro.

Oh wait, I knew I was forgetting something. In order to become a consultant, you have to pay $45 for your starter kit.

So, in either situation, if you sell 100 SV in products, you are still in the red. Negative $35 and negative $59.95, respectively.

So, in order to earn a profit, you must sell 451 SV in products under option 1 to earn a profit of $1. Under option 2, you must sell 700 SV and you will earn a profit of $0.05. Yes, that's 5 cents.

Scared yet? We're just getting started! Given the high price point of Rodan and Fields products, you may feel this is actually doable.

But do your due diligence: how many people do you know who are willing to try something new – on their face – for $50+? Sure, there are cheaper options (some items costs as little as $6) but keep in mind that you will need to sell a lot in volume in order to make up the difference.

How R + F consultants can promote their business

Perhaps you have business or sales experience, and you think you have a potential market of customers that would support a profitable R + F consultancy. How can you market your business?

Most Rodan and Fields consultants use social media to attract customers. This is a reasonable thing to do, because generally you have a captive audience of followers and you can share your passion and results with your friends and family. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Facebook rules and regulations require all business transactions to take place through a business page.

This means that technically, you are not allowed to use your personal Facebook page to sell products. If you don't want to be banned from Facebook, create a business page. Here are some other Facebook rules to consider

  • Rodan and Fields has strict rules about what you can and cannot say about your experience using or selling their product. Specifically consultants:
    • May not make claims about the effectiveness of R + F products in treating skin conditions
    • Must disclose that you are a consultant
    • Cannot make claims about any income you may or hope to receive from R + F – specifically lifestyle claims like getting out of debt, taking a vacation, etc.

You've probably seen people violating these rules. But before you do, ask yourself if it's worth it for a couple bucks.

Because ethically, telling friends, family members and even strangers that selling R + F is some sort of life changing opportunity to earn income is wholly inaccurate. Do you want your friends and family making the same investment you did, only to struggle to earn money?

The likelihood that you will make money from selling these products.

Or: How much do I need to sell to recoup my Rodan and Fields investment?

As mentioned above, to break even after purchasing your $45 Business Portfolio (which is a mandatory purchase unless you live in North Dakota), you need to sell 450 SV ($450 in product) under the plan that gives you thefree Pulse website. If you opt for the Pulse Pro website, you need to sell 700 SV ($700 in product) to earn back your investment.

But, you're probably wondering how you can make more than that – how you can earn an income from selling Rodan and Fields.

Let's compare earnings to a what you'd earn for a minimum wage job.

If you worked a minimum wage job, this is what you'd earn in a full-time week before tax:

To make that much, weekly, selling Rodan and Fields, you'd need a total SV of 2719 per week. Yes, you'd need to sell $2,719 in product weekly in order to take home the same amount as someone working a minimum wage job pre-tax.

(And, before someone loses their mind, you'd actually earn $0.12 more than a minimum wage earner. 12 cents.) Don't forget, you will need to pay taxes on any earnings from R + F.

Monthly? To earn $1,087 as a full-time minimum wage earner would, you need to sell $10,870 in product each month.

Wondering how you could possibly sell this much to earn this much? Never fear. R + F offers things like the Fast Start Program, which would allow you to earn more in commission and bonuses. Here's a chart from their compensation plan:

Sure, it costs $695 to start this program, but who cares! At 15% commission, you'll need to sell just $4,633 in product to make that money back!

Policies and other costs

If you decide to follow through, note that while it only costs $45 to become a Rodan and Fields consultant, your future customers are unlikely to shell out hundreds of dollars on these products unless they've tried them first.

Also, you'll need samples. You'll want to do some before and afters, too, so you'll be using the products as well. R + F knows that you are primarily the customer. In fact, their first perk of being a consultant:

Therefore the first benefit is that you can purchase the R + F Products at Consultant Prices. Not selling the product. Not earning money.

No, those are numbers 2 and 3. The first benefit is that you can buy their product for yourself at a discount. It's like you're a member of the preferred shopper's club – and you paid a price to get in.

Verdict: Like many other direct sales and MLM companies, Rodan and Fields is – in my opinion – not worth the investment or effort. Remember, it's more likely you'll win big in a game of roulette in Las Vegas than it is for you to ever turn a profit with direct sales/MLMs.

Most of all, Vegas is much more fun.

Finally, if you're serious about earning money from home or starting a business, make the investment in yourself first. Because you can do it.

You can find your passion. You are capable of hard work.

Probably the saddest thing about direct sales and MLM is the easy way out mentality.

These companies pitch an idea of fast-track business ownership. All you need to do is sell.

But the truth is they own everything – and they profit whether you succeed or fail.

My final piece of advice is to take a risk – but place the bet on yourself. Less people start their own business than join MLMs. Because starting a business is scary.

While it seems less risky to sell someone else's product, mathematically the odds are impractical at best.

Don't take my word for it. Do your research! Do the math yourself. Share your findings in the comments below.  Because the truth is important.

Can a Rodan and Fields Consultant Send Back Kit Then Rejoin


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